This book is not historically oriented but it consists of new theoretical ideas for the future of academic psychology. „Principles of Brunswik’s Probabilistic Functionalism“ means the original, authentic presentation of central psychological ideas out of his 48 publications (1927-1955).
The whole work of Egon Brunswik was oriented in a „Psychologie vom Gegenstand her“ (psychology in terms of objects). This basic hypothesis hasn’t been accepted by the main stream of academic psychology.
His approach is primarily theoretical, but his experimental work was also remarkable. He mainly worked in the field of „Wahrnehmung – perception“ which was called in his late period „cognition“. The most important methodological part of his work is Representative Design which is nowadays relevant as „quantitative single case approach“.
Two models are exceptional:
(1) The structure of organism- and environment-relations
(2) The paradigmatic process „lens“, in combination with the processes „vicarious functioning“ and „ecological validity“
14 figures may improve and enlarge the power of our arguments in later editions of this book.