“Violence Prevention in School using the Internet: A European Perspective” is part of the VISIONARY project ( VISIONARY is a European collaborative project on violence prevention in school, created by partners in Denmark, Finland, Germany, Portugal and the United Kingdom, and supported by the European Commission within the Socrates/Minerva programme of the European Union.
This book gives an overview of violence and violence prevention in school in our five countries with a focus on resources that are available on the Internet. In this context we present selected web sites from Denmark, Finland, Germany, Portugal and the UK and give an overview of the situation in our countries. The book is complemented by the VISIONARY Internet portal that provides access to a constantly changing and growing pool of information on all the areas that are covered in the book.
This book is for teachers, educators, parents and others who are affected by violence in school in their daily work or life, and who are interested in how the problem of violence in school is dealt with in other countries.